Read at the bottom of this post for an update on Taeya. It's mostly for me to remember these days but you can read it if you'd like.
Want some corn Mama?
Sliding with Daddy.
Running into church a few Sunday's ago.
One of Taeya's favorite styles...multiple headbands.
Why so happy? We're at the park of course!
Here we were playing in the leaves outside the Doctor's office.
What a very sweet girl we have.
Taeya has been growing so much lately. Friends keep commenting at how big she's getting. Her language is developing everday although she is still a very quiet little girl. She doesn't talk a lot unless she wants something but when she does want something, Taeya will usually repeat whatever she's trying to say until she gets the response she's hoping for. Some of the things she can say are: Mama, Daddy, Cereal, More of dis (this), No, es (yes), cookie, cracker, mik (milk), yes eas (yes please), ruff ruff (what a dog says), Moo, baa, meow, bankie (blanket), bunny. There are many other words in her vocabulary and she understands much of what I say to her.
Taeya LOVES her sleep! She generally goes to bed between 7 and 8 pm. When she starts getting tired, she sucks on her two first fingers on her right hand and often covers her right hand with her left. If she gets ahold of one of her many "bankies" she tends to immediately put her fingers in her mouth. Taeya goes to bed so easily at night. She doesn't enjoy getting her jammies or diaper on but once they're on, she snuggles with me for a minute, I lay her on her bed and she puts her fingers in her mouth and is ready to sleep. I generally pray with her and turn her music on then shut off the lights and leave the room. We transitioned her from her crib to her open-sided bed on Oct. 31, 2009. I told her to stay in bed and when I went to get her up from her nap, she was still in bed. She's done extremely well in her new sleeping arrangement. She almost always stays in bed for both naptime and bedtime. Occassionally, she'll get up to get a toy but then returns to her bed. I always check on her before I go to bed at night and a few times I've found her on the floor. I'm not sure if she's fallen out of bed or if she climbed out. A few mornings or after naptime, I sometimes find her with all of her bedding stripped off the bed and placed on the floor by the door. She definitely has a Type A personality. She will pull off every blanket and stuffed animal and put them just where she wants them to go.
Speaking of her type A personality, she always closes doors or drawers if they've been left open. She likes everything to be very orderly (except her toys!). She leaves her toys spread out all over the place. Taeya loves to climb. She climbs on everything she's able to. She's a little monkey just like her mommy was when she was little. I love my sweet little girl and her sweet little personality. Everyday is special with my Taeya and I love seeing her grow and change little by little every day. In just under a month, my baby will be two. I can't believe that we've already had nearly two sweet years together.
isn't it amazing how much we love those little people?
She is adorable. Glad you are enjoying mommyhood.
multiple headbands are SO in right now . . .
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