My sweet little Taeya wasn't feeling very well the other day because her top
four teeth were (and still are) coming in. She was pretty miserable and wasn't enjoying her usual toys and activities. She loves music so I put on her Praise Baby DVD's. Usually, she just listens to them but this time I turned the TV on as well. She was fascinated as you can see.
She's too cute holding the book like that! Poor thing, though, cutting four teeth at once! Steven still has just his bottom two, and I don't expect any new ones in the near future.
Any news on a new niece?
oh my goodness she's gotten so big and has really changed! I love the reddish color of her hair!
-Rachel O
Like mother, like daughter. Didn't you used to be really handy with your toes and feet too? A little ice cream licked off of those neat little feet, maybe? I really love the close up of her face that you took. Precious!!
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