We had a wonderful day with Taeya today. She has been such a content baby since she was born. I am doing wonderful as I recover from my c-section. My pain has been very minimal. I'm in the middle of sending out an email to everyone in my email list but yahoo is preventing me from sending it to everyone so I'm going to post it here as well. It's basically my view of what happened yesterday. Very similar to Phil's but with a slightly different perspective. Enjoy the pictures. The second picture is of Taeya with the doctor who delivered her, Dr. Kingston. All the others you should be able to figure out.
Dear Friends and Family,
We wanted to let everyone know that we became proud parents to a beautiful little girl yesterday afternoon. Taeya Brynn Camp was born by c-section at 12:28 pm. She weighed in at 5 lbs 14 oz and is 18 ½ inches long. She is absolutely an adorable baby and has already captured our hearts. If you are interested in reading about Taeya’s early birth, the story is below.
I (Megan) went in for a scheduled version (where they try to turn the baby because she was breech). They did an ultrasound and everything looked good so they started turning the baby. She was about ½ way turned when her heart rate dropped suddenly from 160 to 40. Within seconds the number of people in the room tripled. Phil and I were both very surprised. They stopped the version and allowed her to turn back. In the meantime, they immediately started me on oxygen and fluids. Although her heart-rate did return back to about 140 in just a short time, the doctor decided that it was probably best to do an immediate c-section. (This is why the version was scheduled at 37 ½ weeks when the baby is considered full-term.) So, although it wasn’t an emergency c-section it was certainly a fast and unscheduled c-section. I had packed my hospital bag on Christmas Day and the morning of the version I debated whether we should bring it or not. Thankfully, we chose to bring it “just in case.” Phil still had to run home after the birth for some other necessities but we were mostly prepared.
Everything happened very quickly from that point on. They wheeled me into the OR at 12:05 and gave me a spinal while Phil changed into scrubs. He came out and didn’t know where everyone was. I made sure to remind the person getting Phil to have him bring the camera. After the spinal, the anesthesiologist said “You’ll have a baby in about 2-3 minutes.” I was very surprised by this! She said, “They’ve already made a nice big cut in your abdomen.” (I didn’t know they had even begun!) Phil got to the OR with the camera just as they were pulling Taeya out. He snapped a few pictures and was able to go with her to the nursery while they stitched me up. I was out of the OR at 1:04 just 59 minutes after I had entered. It was a bit of a whirlwind for us and we thank the Lord that everything turned out so well.
Many of you know that previous ultrasounds have indicated our baby would be pretty small and I’ve been going for tri-weekly appointments to check on her. They were pleasantly surprised with how big she actually was. Although she is a small baby she’s not as small as they expected and she’s doing great in every way. They told us today that we may be heading home tomorrow!!
I praise the Lord that I have been recovery very well. I have very little pain where they did the c-section. I’ve only needed 3 pain pills since the surgery and more to help my shoulder muscles relax than because of the c-section. I have been up, showered and walking around today.
Our little Taeya is an angel of a baby so far. All the nurses and doctors “oooh” and “aah” over how cute she is. She has hardly cried except at birth, during her bath and one or two other times. She has a funny little squeaky cry that one of the nurses said sounds like a little piggy. I thought it sounded like a little duck. She’s content just to eat, sleep and cuddle. She’s very alert when awake and looks at her parents and surroundings. Both Phil and I have fallen so in love with her! Although I know the days ahead will bring less sleep and the joys of learning to be first time parents, we are excited to take this little one home and be the best parents we can be with the Lord’s help.
If you are interested in reading Phil’s account of yesterday, please visit my blog at www.pmcamp.blospot.com. He did a great job writing of the birth from his perspective and there’s some adorable pictures of Taeya. We’ll try to upload some more pictures tonight.
Thank you if you prayed for the version. Although it wasn’t exactly what we had expected the results are absolutely wonderful!
Love to all,
Phillip, Megan and baby Taeya
Congrats my Colorado friend. Welcome to the "I'm a mom club." You will love every step of this journey. Blessings on you today as you continue to recover.
Wow Megan, i cant believe you're a mommy now!
She is just beautiful!
Congratulations you guys!
Nice work Megan and Phil. She's adorable. Congratulations! Sounds like a crazy experience, but maybe beats 27 hours in labor pain??? I wouldn't know.
Congratulations!!! I have to agree -- she is adorbable!! Uncle Scott even said, "Wow, she doesn't look like an old man." I think the translation of that is , "Wow...she's really cute for a newborn!" :)
So wishing we could be visiting you now!!! Congratulations again!!
I agree with Kasey that this experience beats 27 hours in labor for sure!! :) Thank you Uncle Scott for your kind comment. Her feet are the only thing that look a bit wrinkly and they're pretty cute. She also doesn't have a great conehead since she insisted on staying breech. Guess she just likes to look beautiful!
Thank you for updating us about her!! She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL and I am VERY surprised at how big she actually was!! Like I said yesterday...Jaydin was born on the same gestational day and he was only 5 lbs 7 oz and I had needed weekly ultrasounds and they never once thought that he was any smaller than he should be!! So for her to be nearly a 1/2 pound bigger than him is GREAT!! Arent you in love with being a mommy already? I was so happy about the fact that I instantly fell in love and that Jaydin seemed to just fall right into place in our family. Will you please keep us updated on Taeya's weight? They do drop a little at first (she will probably drop to about 5 lbs 6 oz or so) and then they go back up. But I would be interested in seeing how big/small she is over the next few weeks!! BTW...in case you have no clue who I am, this is Christina Teeter from RVC!!
She is ADORABLE!!!
She's so beautiful! Congrats!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! (i'm behind in my blog reading - what a great surprise!!!).
I obviously LOVE your name choice, and little Taeya is absolutely gorgeous. Glad to hear all is well in the Camp world! :)
Welcome, little Taeya Brynn!
Megan and Phil! God Bless you both! You're little bundle of JOY is absolutely beautiful. Taeya is soooooo cute! Although it was unexpected...I'm so grateful that it all went relatively smoothly and she is so healthy. Megan...it sounds like you are doing well too! Wow, congrats guys! I can't wait to meet her.
Congratulations! She's very cute and precious!!! You'll love life as a mom. And, as unbelievable as it seems right now, they only get cuter and cuter as the days go by! :) Enjoy every minute!!!
Hi Megan & Phil, Congratulations on your new baby! Your lives have changed forever! We are excited for you and wish you many, many blessings in being parents. Keep in touch.
We love you both + one,
Wes & Brenda Unfried
P.S. She's beautiful!
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