In regards to the money saving post from a few days ago, I've been doing some coupon research and I'm excited about finding some methods that might work for me. Michaela recommended and I've found some methods of couponing that I'm looking forward to trying. I like their advice because it doesn't involve cutting all the coupons out each week and then hoping to use them. Check it out to see how it works. I'm impressed. Read their free little booklet on their website entitled "Cut Your Grocery Bill In Half." It's got some good advice. Also check out the "Grocery Deals by State" link on the left sidebar a few from the top.
I've also been reading a few good blogs about how to meal plan, shop for sales and use coupons. It'll take some time to get it to work and to figure out how to plan properly but I'm excited to try it. I'm looking forward to saving more money on my grocery bill as I plan my meals around good deals at the grocery store. Did you see the news story saying that the cost of groceries are supposed to increase by 7-9% in the coming months? With that in mind, I'm hoping to cut my grocery bill quite a bit by investing a little time and effort into my planning and shopping.
You might also want to check out for electronic clipping and remembering to use them!
If you're signed up for (A free site that allows you to save money for college as you shop and use your credit card) They have also begun using electronic coupons.
A site I haven't had a lot of time to check out but it looks promising is Money Saving Mom.
Printable coupons can be found here at Shop At Home.
Need glasses? Check out this site! Zenni Optical I read about this on someone's blog. She and her husband both bought glasses there and were very happy with the quality they received.
And just because I have such an adorable little girl, I thought I'd post a few pics of her munching on graham crackers and sitting in her little chair. Today, I was grocery shopping and Taeya was so charming. She chatted with and grinned at many people. She's such a fun little baby and is changing daily.
Your coupon site suggestions are great, thought I would pass along one that I like to visit frequently,
Taeya is so adorable. I loved getting to see her on the webcam the other day. She sure is growing and changing so much. I miss you all!!!
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