Today is Taeya's one month birthday. What a wonderful month it has been. Phil and I have so thoroughly enjoyed spending time with our little girl, holding, snuggling and observing her. She is generally such a happy and content baby. With such a good little girl, the adjustment of adding a third member to our family went very smoothly. We also loved having Grandma Z and Nana & Grandpa R come visit. We can't wait for more visits from family and friends in the coming months.
I went to work yesterday to the vet clinic. While there, I decided to weigh Taeya to see how much she has grown. They have a baby scale for the kittens and puppies. :) With her diaper on, she weighed 6 lbs 10 oz. So, in just over 2 weeks she's put on 1 lb 3 oz. As my mom said when she was here, you can almost see her change every day. She now has a little double chin, fat rolls around her wrists and I can no longer squeeze her skin and make wrinkles on her skull and the rest of her body because she's finally grown into her skin. She's as beautiful as ever and I can't wait to see how much she's going to grow and change in the coming year. I thank the Lord every night for my beautiful baby and pray that she will grow in the knowledge of Him.
Cute pics! Yes, they grow and change so quickly. It is funny - there are spurts where it does seem that each day they change. Enjoy each moment - - - goes fast - I can't believe that in a week Allie will be 4 months old. What a joy they are though!
Taeya is growing so fast and changing so much. How cute she is. The outfit is adorable on her!! :o) I ordered some pictures of her today and got a few to share with grandparents here. Keep posting for far away aunties and everyone else.
I can't believe she's a month already! I went to Jen Bauer's shower yesterday and was really looking forward to seeing Lily Grace because she's really little like Taeya and I wanted to see what really little looked like in person. But Lily wasn't there :(
Thanks for the cute pictures!
How big is Taeya now? Lily is something just under 5 lbs.
WOA a month? where does time go. Before you know it you'll be waving goodbye to her on the school bus! She IS changing! Getting cuter and cuter :0)
-Rachel O.
Happy 1 Month, Taeya! You're cute as ever!
Can you believe how quickly the time goes by?!?! It is actually kind of sad:(
Taeya is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! I dont know why I didnt notice before how beautiful her lips are!! She has the fullest set of lips I have seen on a baby!!
I LOVE the face she always makes, with the little mouth and the wide eyes, it cracks me up everytime!
The faces are priceless!!! My niece made all of those and all we could do was giggle. And try to get her to make more. Bring on the pics Meg!
Cara U.
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